Eric began training karate in France, in the late 1990s, under renowned Sensei Jean-Éric Luqué, before he moved to Winnipeg, where he continued his journey. Eric strongly believes that the values of traditional and sport karate can coexist and help practitioners develop and thrive. He has competed locally, provincially and nationally, earning medals in prestigious tournaments such as the Sato Cup, the Toronto Open and the Montreal Open, along with a Manitoba Provincial Champion title in kumite.
He also participated in the 2013 Karate Canada National Championship. Eric holds a karate specific and multisport certification with the National Coaching Certification Program and has over ten years of experience coaching athletes at club level and with the Manitoba Provincial Team. He currently has a rank of Nidan in Shito-ryu karate-do. As a teacher, he firmly believes in seeking other forms of knowledge. As such, he gathered experience in other martial arts and sports such as judo, jiu-jistu and soccer.